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  • Sustained Release Vitamin C 500mg with Zinc

    Our Vitamin C plus Zinc capsule can enhance your immune system of your body. Zinc is a micro-ingredient that is indispensable to human life. It is of vital importance to increase your body resistance as a component of numerous enzymes. Vitamin C plays various roles in human body but it cannot be synthesized by itself and hence has to be supplemented by taking fruits and vegetables. However, you cannot keep water soluble Vitamin C over long time in your body.

    As each capsule contains 500mg Vitamin C, it keeps sustained releasing Vitamin C into your system for up to 8-10 hours. Hence our Vitamin C plus Zinc capsule can help to provide the Vitamin C to your body in stable and continuous ways. Vitamin C and Zinc plays even greater role when you are in cold weather, mental and physical fatigue, smoking and malnutrition.

    Timed Release is also called Sustained Release, Prolonged Release, Extended Release, Slow Release, Controlled Release, Modified Release, Retard, Depot.
